Engineering Leaders Podcast

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Engineering Leaders Community

05 June 2024

27m 26s

#15: Engineering & Product Optimizing Value Delivery in 2024



The era of free money is long gone, and product teams now face high pressure to deliver monetary results as quickly as possible. This presents new challenges for these organizations, and they must transform, optimize and collaborate in novel ways. Our speakers will share their insights on how product and engineering teams can work together effectively in these new settings to achieve success.

Ivo Klimša: Head of Site Reliability Engineer at Tricentis (Engineering Leaders)

Over the last 10 years, Ivo's been living in the clouds. He started as a System Engineer and later moved to the DevOps space as an individual contributor. In the last 8 years, he has built and managed multiple teams with different functions. Before Tricentis, he worked as a Senior EM in Productboard, where he led two product teams. Currently, he is leading the SRE organization in Tricentis with a focus on supporting multiple products.